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BACKGROUND Insulin resistance is one underlying pathogenesis for Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DM). People tend to consume natural products to avoid harmful effects from hypoglycemic agent. Green okra (Abelmoeschus esculentus L.moench.) contains isoquercetin and myricetin. Isoquercetin act as alpha glucosidase inhibitor, known as a hipoglycemic agent. While myricetin improving glucose utilisation. Therefore, green okra considered to have effect on insulin resistance. The red okra supposed to have more flavonoid content than the green ones.

OBJECTIVES To prove the superiority of red okra powder in controlling insulin resistance markers on diabetic rats.

METHODS This experimental study required twenty male Wistar weighed 200 grams, divided into 4 groups equally: DM, Green Okra (GOP), Red Okra (ROP), and Acarbose. All rats were injected with 65 mg/kg BB niacinamide and streptozotocine 110 mg/kg BB i.p. Blood glucose were tested after induction, and achieve >250 mg/dl. Rats on DM group received only standard diet and distilled water. Rats on GOP, ROP, received 40 mg/day green and red okra powder respectively, while rats on Acarbose group received 6 mg/day acarbose for 28 consecutive days. Blood specimen was collected and measured for its insulin level using ELISA, and count the HOMA IR. Data were analysis with ANOVA, considered significant only if p <0.05.

RESULTS The highest insulin level was found in ROP group (16.5± 0.14 µIU/ml) (p ANOVA <0.05). The best HOMA-IR score also found in ROP (4.65±0.07) (p ANOVA <0.05). 


CONCLUSION The red okra powder is superior than the green okra in controlling insulin resistance markers.  



Tingkat : Nasional
Penyelenggara : Faculty Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Tempat : Yogyakarta
Tanggal : 09-NOV-2019 s/d 09-NOV-2019
Status : Pemakalah Biasa
Pemakalah : Nurina Tyagita
Diunggah Tanggal : Minggu, 2021-03-28