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Existing human resources in the organization have diversity in the intensity of commitment, based on the condition of this article examine how to develop models of human resource commitment in order to improve the performance of human resources. Based on the literature review there are seven proposed hypotheses, supported by empirical 1). The better the communication quality, the higher the performance of human resources. 2). The better the communication quality, the higher the commitment affective 3). The better the communication quality, the higher the commitment continuance.4). The better the communication quality, the higher the commitment normative 5). The higher the affective commitment, the higher the performance of human resources. 6). More and continuance commitment, the higher the performance of human resources 7). The more normative commitment, the higher the performance of human resources Based on direct, indirect and total human resources performance model, the priority development are as follows: 1). Improved performance of human resources is influenced by continuance commitment are built with quality improvement of communication 2). Improved performance of human resources is influenced by normative commitment to the improvement of communication quality built .3). Improved performance of human resources is influenced by affective commitment is built with improvement communication. 4). Improved performance of human resources is influenced by the quality of communication.
Keyword: Performance human resources, affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment, communication.

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Tujuan Sosial Ekonomi :
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Peneliti : Widodo,,
Diunggah tanggal : Senin, 2013-06-03