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In some studies, although theoretically market-oriented companies will result in better marketing performance, empirically, it does not guarantee that it is able to produce better marketing performance. This gap is interesting to be studied in depth, especially on Islamic-based marketing approach. Based on theoretical studies and the views of previous researchers, the concept of sharia marketing innovativeness is expected to be the solution in addressing the research gap. Company with Islamic market orientation, producing sharia marketing innovativeness, is the company that will have the ability to improve marketing performance. This study tries to assess in depth the correlation of sharia marketing innovativeness with Islamic market orientation and marketing performance. The correlation of these three concepts is something that has not received serious attention from academics in Indonesia and in the world. In-depth study of this phenomenon is expected to contribute to the development of science, especially Islamic Marketing. 

Keywords: Islamic Market Orientation, Sharia Marketing Innovativeness, Marketing



Nama Prosiding : 5th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (5th AICIF)
ISSN : E-ISBN : 978-99917-82-79-9
Tahun : 2017
Peneliti : Hendar,, Mutamimah,,
Diunggah tanggal : Rabu, 2018-05-09