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This paper aims to develop a framework for digital knowledge supply chain in creative industry. Creative industry is an industry that intensiļ¬es information and creativity by relying on ideas and stock of knowledge from its human resources (HR) as the main production factor in its economic activities. Industry stakeholders have committed to improve the quality of human resources involved in the creative industry. Commitments such as creating professional standardization, quality of education, competencies that must be possessed by each HR that are part of creating a competitive advantage of the nation through the creation of goods and services in the creative industry. The next problem that arises is that each institution or government body has an HR competency development program for creative industries, but until now it has not been integrated into the national standardization concept. Hence, we proposed a framework for digital knowledge supply chain to help this problem. Initial data is collected through indepth interview with 13 informants. Results shows that creative industry has good understanding about knowledge management through talent development. Further research is discussed to validate the proposed framework.

Keywords: Digital knowledge supply chain, Creative industry, Competitive advantage

Nama Prosiding : 13 th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive System (CISIS 2019)
ISSN : 2194-5365
Tahun : 2019
Peneliti : Ardian Adhiatma,, Olivia Fachrunnisa,, Mustafa
Diunggah tanggal : Jumat, 2020-05-08