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Waqf has an important role in Islam in the socio-economic sector, it needs to manage properly in order to be able help government to settle part national debt. Waqf potential in Indonesia is very huge, however, the volume still reaches 5%. It is because of the poor management of Waqf. These institutions have not been supported by technology that can increase trust, transparency, reliability, accountability, security, honesty, and efficiency. It is believed if the Waqf institution is equipped with blockchain, the trust of the waqif and the management of Waqf will be better. Therefore, this research aims to design a Blockchain model for Waqf. The research method is descriptive qualitative research, using library, and literature study. To design the model, this study used the IDC (intelligent, design, and choice) method. The resulted design is expected to increase transparency, trust, reliability, accountability, security, and efficiency. Besides that a quantitative approach also used to measure respondents perceptions. Hence, the volume of new Waqf will increase sharply and Waqf management can be carried out properly, and finally, Waqf is expected to contribute to the social, education, and the economic welfare of the community.

Keywords: Blockchain · Waqf · Trust · Transparency · Prosperity

Nama Prosiding : The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS-2022)
ISSN : 2367-3370/2367-3389
Tahun : 2022
Peneliti : Bedjo Santoso,, Moch. Zulfa,,
Diunggah tanggal : Senin, 2023-05-15