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Given today highly competitive environment, corporations are constantly looking for new ways in which to maximize employee’s work effort. In addition, when the labor market becomes tighter and the economy is uncertain, companies often respond by downsizing and by asking those employee who remain to be more productive and dependable. It is, therefore, of interest to both managers and researchers to better understand the dynamics of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). OCB is defined as one’s  willingness to do more than required, to go the extra mile. Postulating that OCB may lead to positive outcomes such as high organizational performance and low turnover this article will also reviewing key antecedents of OCB and OCB is also assumed to have a dispositional or personality antecedent, procedural justice climate, leadership style and work status. Several practical implications and ways to encourage employee  OCB were described.  

Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Procedural Justice, Leadership Style, Dispositional Factors, Work Status  

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
Nama Jurnal : Buletin Ekonomi
ISSN : 1410-2293
Volume : 4
Nomor : 3
Halaman : 215 s/d 230
Tahun : 2006
Peneliti : Olivia Fachrunnisa,,
Diunggah Tanggal : Kamis, 2016-09-01