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Law enforcement is a process to realize the desires that have positive law through the Act into reality. Thus the issue is a matter of law enforcement efforts to realize these abstract ideas into concrete reality. Inclusion of the right of a defendant to obtain legal aid in the inspection process investigation level in the positive law does not mean that the poem was entitled to them that the suspect will simply obtain legal assistance from attorneys in the enforcement of legal ideas into reality there are several factors that influence. These factors can be positive in terms of support and negative in the sense of inhibiting. An obstacle will result in enforcement of the idea of legal aid can not be realized. Factors affecting the enforcement of legal ideas into reality that is (1) substance (2) the structure and culture (3) the means and facilities. substance associated with the positive aspects of the law that allocates rights legal aid the structure associated with the institutional

Kategori :
Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Hukum, ISSN 1412-2723, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, hal. 550 - 570
Volume :
Nomor :
Halaman : s/d
Tahun : 2011
Peneliti : Bambang Tri Bawono,,
Diunggah Tanggal : , 0000-00-00