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Menopause is a physiological process that causes changes in psychological and physical. Women showed varying responses and make efforts to resolve the complaint. From the results of a survey conducted in the districts of Ngampel women have never done endorphine massage to alleviate the problem. The subjects of this study were women in menopause with 17 respondents 17 respondents intervention group and control group. Sampling was done by sampling criteria acsidental aged less than 60 years old, have a husband, in a healthy condition. Data processing was performed using the Wilcoxon test to determine differences in sexual function before and after the intervention while endorphine effectiveness of massage performed by using Mann Whitney.Hasil research: Wilcoxon test showed that there are significant differences in sexual function before and after being given endorphine Massage with p value 0.00. While Mann Whitney test showed p value of 0.13 and the value of z score of -2.828, which means there is a strong influence among endorphine Massage to increased sexual function so endorphine Massage is effective for improving sexual function.

Key Word: Menopause, Endorphin Massage, Sexual Function

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Non-Akreditasi (Mempunyai ISSN)
Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
ISSN : 1858-0610
Volume : 13
Nomor : 1
Halaman : 88 s/d 94
Tahun : 2017
Peneliti : Sri Wahyuni,, Tutik Rahayu,,
Diunggah Tanggal : Senin, 2018-04-02