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Philosophy of law is the parent of all of juridical diciplines, because the philosophy ol law that deals with problem arises in the most fundamental law. Legal philosophy particularly has become a study a study of legal esperts. There two requirements that encourage the legal philoshopical thinking, on the one hand is a huge public interest in public safety, as in the interests of peace and order. On the other hand, pressure from community interest and needs of public safety. Study of legal philosophy is an activity that never ends, because itu tries to provide answera to eternal questions. Legal philosophy is a teory about the basic rules and boundaries of the law, pondering all the fundamental issues and problems associated with border problems of legal symptoms. By discussing the object of legal philosophy, then the other features of a stand-alone legal philosophy from legal theory in the broad sense will be clear.

Philosoph of lawas is often faced with the science of positive law, and although they both discucc legal materials, but they take law as a universal phenomieneon that targetes the attention. Philosophy of law anda legal science are two names for one field of science that studies the same law, wich were both also talk about of questioning the unlike legal framework that ultimately both lead to the attempt to understand th law in the real sense, and both have relevance supporting each other.

Keywords : Legal philosophy, legal experts, Community interents, legal symptoms, universal phenomenon.

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
Nama Jurnal : Jurnal Hukum
ISSN : 1412-2723
Volume : XXIII
Nomor : 2
Halaman : 217 s/d 227
Tahun : 2010
Peneliti : Munsharif Abdul Chalim,,
Diunggah Tanggal : Minggu, 2019-05-05