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The main goal of business activites is to get optimal profit to maximize corporate value of stakeholders. In line with the development of environment, there is preasure for companies to play their social roles to increase people and other stakeholders. Thus, the value of stakeholders is not the only priorities in running their business. CSR covers not only to maximize the value of stakeholders, but also invlolves the broader coverage, that is organizational relationship with people, environment issue, condition of workplace and sufficient with standard for companies quality insurance for the customers as wellas social investment of companies. That’s why in running their business, companies can combine social mutual benefits giving convenience in relation between companies and people. CSR constitute unsparated part of companies operation, especially in suborn. If companies in running their business just base on business instinct, it is possible that there will be no care of people. If it is happened, the failure of companies can threat the people existence in the future.

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Non-Akreditasi (Mempunyai ISSN)
Nama Jurnal : EKSPLANASI : Media Komunikasi Ilmiah Kopertis Wilayah VI
ISSN : 1907-381X
Volume : 2
Nomor : 4
Halaman : 113 s/d 124
Tahun : 2007
Peneliti : Dr.Dra. Winarsih, M.Si,
Diunggah Tanggal : Selasa, 2020-02-25