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Back pain is one complaint that is often experienced by pregnant women. This complaint increases with increasing maternal age. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of spiritual intervention and thermal stimulation of back pain in pregnant women. The method uses a quantitative with quasi-experiment pre-post test design with control on 40 people; subjects were taken by purposive sampling. Interventions in group 1 listened to Qur’anic murottal Ar Rahman surah and were given warm compresses, while in group 2, Qur’anic murottal was the subject’s favourite surah and were given warm compresses for 20 minutes. The data was analysed using the Wilcoxon and Man Whitney tests. The Wilcoxon test in group 1 showed that there was an effect of listening to murottal Alqur’an Ar-Rahman surah and warm compresses to decrease back pain, with p value 0.000. In group 2, there was an influence of listening to murottal Alqur’an favourite surah and warm compresses to decrease back pain, with p value 0.000. The Mann Whitney test from both groups showed no significant difference in decreasing back pain in groups 1 and 2 with p value 1.000.
Conclusion: There is a significant reduction in pain before and after intervention.
Keywords: Spiritual Intervention, Thermal Stimulation, Pregnant Women, Back Pain.

Kategori : Jurnal Internasional
Nama Jurnal : Indian Journal Of Public Health Research and Development
ISSN : P-ISSN : 0976-0245; E-ISSN : 0
Volume : 10
Nomor : 8
Halaman : 2746 s/d 2750
Tahun : 2019
Peneliti : Sri Wahyuni,, Tutik Rahayu,, Hernandia Distinarista,, Apriliani Yulianti Wuriningsih, Siti Diah Nofitasari
Diunggah Tanggal : Senin, 2021-12-13