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The cooperative relationship with stakeholders has potential to increase the knowledge of business managers. It is

hoped that it will affect the company's good reputation. However, so far, the empirical research on reputation and

partnerships has been primarily seen from the customer side and carried out in large organizations. Organizational

agility is still rarely studied in both large organizations and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, this

study aims to examine the role of strategic partnership, professional knowledge, and organizational agility in

improving the reputation of SMEs. The data of 135 managers obtained was analyzed by using structural equation

modeling with AMOS software. The results showed that strategic partnership has a significant effect on professional

knowledge, but not on organizational agility. Professional knowledge has a significant effect on organizational agility,

not on organizational reputation. Then, the organizational agility has a significant effect on the organizational

reputation. Therefore, it is important to support the transfer knowledge from the individual to the organizational level.

Besides, it is also necessary to improve social capital to support the reputation of SMEs.

Kategori : Jurnal Internasional
Nama Jurnal : Quality Access to Success
ISSN : 2668-4861
Volume : 21
Nomor : 174
Halaman : 35 s/d 39
Tahun : 2020
Peneliti : Tri Wikaningrum,, H. Lutfi Nurcholis, Widodo,, Marno Nugroho,, Imam Ghozali
Diunggah Tanggal : Jumat, 2022-02-11