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This study aim stodetermine the effect ofservice quality dimensions as seen from five dimensions
ofphysical evidence/tangible, durability/reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy
towards Bus Rapid Transit passengers. Inthis study, data were collectedby using question naire
to 96 respondents, which aims to determine the response of the respondents toeachvariable.
The analysis which is used,includevalidity test, reliability test,classic assumptions test
(multicollinearity, normality, heteroscedasticity), multiple linear regression analysis, goodness
of fittest (F test, ttest, the coefficientof determination). From the result that using the regression
analysis showed that the variables of physical evidence / tangible, durability / reliability,
responsiveness,assurance, and empathy, all have positive and significant of BRT passengers
satisfaction. With the influence of 56.3% while43.7%are influenced by other variables.
Keywords:service quality,customersatisfaction, mass transportation

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
Nama Jurnal :
ISSN : 2685-4767
Volume : 17
Nomor : 1
Halaman : 1 s/d 8
Tahun : 2016
Peneliti : Alifah Ratnawati,, Fadlilah Utami
Diunggah Tanggal : Rabu, 2023-06-07