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Hospital that facility providing form of clinical services, assembled sick and healthy person. So it can be dirty environment that sources from routine activity in the hospital like general sanitation activity, surgery, kitchen, laundry, utility that produce solid waste, waste water and gases, etc. Because of in the cleaning management and building environment, in hospital building must general support element like part of sanitation that to create clean and green situation and to do control sanitation. The aim of this study is to know the hospital environmental sanitation condition and that management with observe the sanitation parameter, like the include water preparation, waste water and solid waste management. The object of hospital building that observe was government hospital that is Dr.Kariadi Hospital and private hospital, there are Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital and St. Elizabeth Hospital. All what the research does is based on sanitation inspection form, drinking water standard, effluent standard and SNI (Indonesia National Standard). The survey results show that in generally the solid waste management from all the three hospital collect from few sources in each unit/floor to be done each day and then bring to throwing place temporarily and the next step in for a moment they’re bring in to final throwing place. The quality of water preparation condition from all the three are fulfill water standard are clearly stated in decree of Health Ministry of Republic Indonesia No.907/Menkes/SK/VII/2002. The result of waste water test show that there are some parameters finally were exceed from effluent standard are clearly stated in decree of Central Java Government Province No.10 tahun 2004. In Sultan Agung Islamic Hospital show that almost all of the parameter that has been tested finally were exceed from effluent standard. While in the Anna Building St. Elizabeth Hospital, only amonium parameter that exceed from effluent standard and then in the Garuda Pavilion Dr. Kariadi Hospital show that amonium and phospat parameters were exceed from effluent standard.
Keyword: environmental sanitation, waste management, hospital building

Kategori :
Nama Jurnal : Jurnal PONDASI
ISSN : 0853-814 X
Volume : 14
Nomor : 1
Halaman : 89 s/d 98
Tahun : 2008
Peneliti : Hermin Poedjiastoeti,,
Diunggah Tanggal : Rabu, 2013-07-03