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The sufficiency of vitamin A capsules, is a problem faced in improving vitamin A supplementation coverage to overcome Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) in toddlers. Exploration efforts carotenoid pigments of the yellow banana peel (Musa paradisiaca sapientum L.) as a natural source of vitamin A (SUVITAL), became one of the alternative solutions to problems VAD, considering the abundance of banana skin in Central Java and various reports on the potential of carotenoid pigments, such as antioxidants and provitamin A. This review aims to assess the potential of a yellow banana skin (Musa paradisiaca sapientum) as a natural source of vitamin A. This study is expected to contribute the processing technology of banana peel, so it can reduce the environmental pollution caused by the buildup of waste banana peel. Peel of yellow banana (Musa paradisiaca sapientum L.) has potential as a natural source of vitamin A. Therefore, the development effort of processing banana skin through the insulation β-carotene is required, which can reduce environmental pollution caused by the buildup of waste banana skin. β-carotene was produced potentially as a vitamin A supplement which is expected to overcome the issue of a VAD and the blindness.

Kategori :
Nama Jurnal : Majalah Ilmiah Sultan agung, ISSN 0852-1035, Vol. L, No. 130, Desember 2012-Februari 2013, hal. 35-46
Volume :
Nomor :
Halaman : s/d
Tahun : 2013
Peneliti : Suparmi,
Diunggah Tanggal : Kamis, 2013-09-12