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Public perception of reproductive health is still very limited and is still influenced by cultural perceptions or culture, the fact that the high incidence of HIV / AIDS, the
incidence of abortion among adolescents is increasing, the number of occurrences unwanted pregnant, increase in the incidence of other sexually transmitted disease showed a failure of society escort reproductive health of its citizens, the failure of parents accompanying their teenage children and the failure of health care institutions deliver preventive services. Reproductive health problems are culturally defined as something inappropriate conveyed parents to their children because they interpret the meaning of reproductive health is narrow issues related to sexual activity are biologically. On the other side of health promotion programs that have been conducted have not produced significant reductions, even prone to failure, several attempts have been made to convey health messages through multiple forms of media exist, the most commonly used media is the mass media and electronic aids (audiovisual aids ), the failure of the audience received a message from the communicator is influenced by a set of health promotion planning stages less attention. An understanding of the stages of the establishment media health promotion related to reproductive health problems can improve the achievement of health promotion success indicator for reducing disease problems that are related to reproductive health.

Keywords: reproductive health, health promotion, aids

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Non-Akreditasi (Mempunyai ISSN)
Nama Jurnal : -
ISSN : -
Volume : -
Nomor : -
Halaman : 1 s/d 16
Tahun : 2014
Peneliti : Iwan Ardian,
Diunggah Tanggal : Selasa, 2014-07-22