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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that will be suffered by the patient continuously. This condition makes families depressed and showed a lot of stress these
families do not have the ability or not competent in the use of coping strategies in the face of a family member experiencing a problem with type-2 diabetes mellitus. Nursing interventions required to improve the competence of the family in dealing with the problem. Interventions that can be done is Empowering Families.The purpose of this study is to explain the effect of the use of family nursing interventions: Empowering Families to increase family coping with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Muktiharjo Kidul Semarang. This is a quasi-experimental study research design is non-Equivalent Control Group. The population in this study is a family who has a family member suffering from Type-2 diabetes mellitus. The sample size used was 15 samples of the treatment group and 15 control group samples. Taken with consecutives sampling techniques with the inclusion criteria. Measurements using a family coping Family Coping Index (FCI) City Nursing Service and the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health. Analyzed with Paired t test and t independent test. The results showed the treatment group there are different levels of family coping after a given intervention before the family nursing: Family empowerment (p = 0,000). In the control group there was no difference in the level of family coping at pre-test and post-test (p = 0,082). There are differences in family coping significant improvement between the treatment group and the control group (p = 0,000) The conclusion of this study is the provision of family nursing intervention: Empowering Families have a significant influence on improved family coping in families with type 2 diabetes millitus.Family empowerment intervention is still limited use in nursing as a client order that is in the order of the family in society and very effective in improving family coping.

Keywords: family empowerment, family coping, type 2 diabetes millitus

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Non-Akreditasi (Mempunyai ISSN)
Nama Jurnal : -
ISSN : -
Volume : -
Nomor : -
Halaman : 1 s/d 13
Tahun : 2014
Peneliti : Iwan Ardian,
Diunggah Tanggal : Selasa, 2014-07-22