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Abstract: MSG has been consumed by communities as a flavor enhancer. MSG has proofed increasing ROS and in the same time decrease sperm quality. Vitamin C (VC) refer to non-enzymatic radical scavengers preventing cells to oxidative stressed. Unfortunately the role of VC to increase sperm quality in MSG exposure still unclear.  Aim: aim of the present study is to reveal whether treatment of VC will able to enhance sperm quality which is indicated by elevation of TDT, concentration, motility and vitality of sperms. 
Method: In the Post Test Only Control Group Design, 25 male of three month-old Wistar rats with + 200 gram body weihgt randomly assigned into 5 groups, each group consist of 5 rats. A week after rats acclimatization in the colonies cage, the treatment was given during 30 days successively. At the final of treatment 2 cm ductus defference from cauda epidimis to ampula ductus deferen was taken and collected in fisiology’s salt. Further more concentration, motility, and vitality were tested according to WHO standard procedure. On the other hand TDT will be tested through tissue testes preparation.  Result: Manova statistical analysis indicate the significantly difference (p=0.000) among 5 groups. Univariate statistical analysis show that TDT, motility, and vitality in A group (aquades) were significantly hihger (p=0.000) compare to B group (MSG) and C, D, and E groups (VC+MSG). In C, D, and E group, TDT, motility, and vitality were higher significantly (p=0.000) compare to B group, but lower significantly (p=0.000) compare to A group. In D group, TDT, motility, and vitality were higher significantly (p=0.000) compare to C and B groups, although lower significantly (p=0.000) compare to A group. In E group TDT, motility, and vitality were higher significantly (p=0.000) compare to B, C, and D groups, eventhough lower significantly (p=0.000) compare to A group. In C group, concentration was higher significantly (p=0.000) compare to B group, nothing defference (p=0.616) compare to A group, lower significantly (p=0.000) compare to D and E groups.  In D group concentration was higher significantly (p=0.000) compare to A and B groups, lower significantly (p=0.000) compare to E group. In group E concentration was higher significantly (p=0.000) compare to A group. Consistent with discriminant analysis TDT, concentration, and motility were constitute of discriminant variable among four dependent variables. The present result suggest that TDT, concentration, and motility variables have directly correlation result from VC treatment. Conclusion: Treatment of VC 10 mg, 15 mg, and 20 mg (equal to VC 500 mg, 750 mg, dan 1000 mg in human) during 30 days could enhance TDT, concentration, motility, and vitality of sperm were exposured by MSG
Key Words: MSG; Concentration; Motility; Vitality; Sperm quality

Kategori : Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
Nama Jurnal : Majalah Andrologi Indonesia
ISSN : 0125-429X
Volume : -
Nomor : 35-36
Halaman : 1402 s/d 1414
Tahun : 2010
Peneliti : Taufiq R. Nasihun,, Eni Widayati,,
Diunggah Tanggal : Selasa, 2015-03-24