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Abstract Communication theory is a theory that comes from building an interdisciplinary resource ( the sources of inter-related ) with a mixture of sociology , psychology , natural science , mathematics , and other resources that help the development of science communication . The development as a science involves basic research from different disciplines to contribute thoughts and ideas that enrich the communication theory construction . The theory is constructed through a process known as inquiry . To be able to understand a theory would require an initial understanding of the inquiry process . Inquiry is a systematic study of the experiences that led to the understanding , knowledge and theory . In the Islamic view of communication activities form a pattern not only human relations but form a pattern of close relationship between man and his Rab . Secularization of understanding to separate the activities of communication between man and man makes understanding the communication is limited to aspects of the manifest . Accountability is the greatest of human communication with her so that Rab has become a basic understanding of communication activities in Islam. Communicate with fellow human beings can not be limited solely to manifest aspects of assessment . One of the letters in the Qur’an that has many implications for human life is surah Al-Fatihah . This letter shall be read at least seventeen times a day by every Muslim in prayer . In this letter described the communication process between His servants with Rab . The transcendent communication process is the basis of every Muslim communication patterns with others.

Kategori :
Nama Jurnal : MAKNA
ISSN : 2087-2461
Volume : 4
Nomor : 2
Halaman : 110 s/d 127
Tahun : 2014
Peneliti : Mubarok,
Diunggah Tanggal : Jumat, 2015-03-27