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Academic adjustment problems in the first year of college are often the cause of the student
withdraws or is experiencing a serious academic problems, such as low academic achievement, lazy
attend lectures, and delays in doing their homeworks. changes in the academic situation of senior high
school to college cause social anxiety in students that allegedly would interfere with the student's
academic adjustment. The purpose of this study was to examine the social anxiety as predictors of
college student academic adjustment. The study involved 439 students as participants in this study.
Two scale prepared in this research that the academic adjustment scale and social anxiety scale. The
results of these studies show that fear of negative evaluation and distress are predictor of a student's
academic adjustment problems. This study concluded that social anxiety has a negative effect of
academic adjustments. It means that if a student has concerns about the evaluation of other people and
feeling uncomfortable in social situations as well as meeting new people who have problems with
academic adjustment.

Keywords: Fear of Negative Evaluation, Distress, Academic Adjustment

Nama Prosiding : Proceedings of the 3rd Global Conference on Business and Social Sciences on “Contemporary Issues in Management & Social Science Research” (CIMSSR – 2015)
ISSN : 978-967-13147-0-8
Tahun : 2015
Peneliti : Ruseno Arjanggi, Luh Putu Shanti Kusumaningsih,,
Diunggah tanggal : Minggu, 2016-05-01